Tips for Athletes with Osgood Schlatter’s Disease


Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is an overuse injury that occurs when the quadriceps muscle repeatedly pulls on the patellar tendon, which attaches to the tibial tuberosity (the bump below the knee). This type of injury commonly treated in our holistic medicine in Ocoee, Florida is most frequent in young athletes because their skeletal systems are still developing and they are more likely to participate in activities that involve repetitive knee movements.

Athletes with this condition can still work to develop strength and improve flexibility/mobility. Here are a few tips for athletes to recover from Osgood-Schlatter’s disease:

  • Athletes might require a period of rest from their sport and should reduce their activity levels. It’s recommended to start by reducing activity. It’s important to identify which activities are causing symptoms to worsen and avoid them until full recovery is achieved.
  • To minimize the impact on the knee area, using proper gear and equipment like knee pads is advisable, especially in sports where knee hits are possible.
  • Recognizing the symptoms of Osgood-Schlatter’s disease early on can enable timely intervention to prevent severe inflammation. Referring to a sports medicine physician provides the best chance for proper intervention, monitoring, and treatment plan for young athletes.
  • Before engaging in sports-specific activities, athletes should ensure they can perform a pain-free single-leg squat. If they experience any pain during this, they should not push through it and should consult a physical therapist before returning to sports.

Acupuncture proves beneficial in reducing inflammation resulting from traction and diminishing the traction forces and is often used as part of a treatment plan for pain management. Wellness Health Acupuncture & Physical Therapy is an acupuncture Clinic in Ocoee, Florida.


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