Are you feeling that constant pounding in your head, which has worsened over time? With predicaments like this, it is best to seek the advice and help of a professional like the ones in Wellness Health Acupuncture & Physical Therapy. We can provide immediate or progressive relief for your headaches caused by your asthma, sinusitis, and more through acupuncture and physical therapy.
With acupuncture, our professional and licensed acupuncturists will ensure that you are comfortable first. Comfort and calmness during the procedure are important to ensure a smooth and fast session. Fine needles will be inserted into your pressure points, and we guarantee that there will be no pain during this time. These single-use needles will trigger various points in your body to release muscle tension, stress, and encourage your healing process.
On the other hand, physical therapy finds a different approach to treating headaches that are either acute or chronic. For pain located in the back of the head down to the back and shoulders, several exercises and slow movements will be made to ease your way into healing. Our physical therapists will make sure to release pain from your muscles and relieve you from tenderness or swelling.
If you are interested in our services, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.